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Mittwoch, 01. Juni 2011

Their Changes after They Knew the Fact

Von jackmotor, 04:47
Since the event of the false pregnancy, everything had changed. My relatives by marriage were unwilling to look at me. They said that we had cheated their feeling for a period of time. They bought and cooked the best food for my daughter and asked her to stay at home everyday during that period of time. They bought her a new small brushless motor electric car when she asked them to buy one and everything she wanted. Every villager had known that she had conceived. But in the end, she was not really pregnant and all villagers made fun of them when they rode the electric tricycle to work in the factory. They did not know where to put their faces. When they saw other parents hug their grandsons, they felt sad. They did not have mood and motive to work, because their biggest dream was to hug a grandson when they lived in the world. My son-in-law was not active in the dc electric motors factory as before and could not lift spirit all day long. They suddenly fell from the sky to the ground.